La República Checa es reconocida por su apoyo a los escritores, artistas y su estilo de vida bohemio.Fuera de la histórica capital de Praga, encontrarás un campo lleno de granjas, bosques, aldeas y castillos. Las hermosas cordilleras, ríos, viñedos y tierras de cultivo, junto con las ciudades y pueblos de cuento hacen una experiencia intercultural única de auto-descubrimiento y una jornada intercultural.

Los jóvenes checos disfrutan su tiempo libre haciendo excursiones, ciclismo y natación en el verano o esquí en el invierno. No puedes perderte la oportunidad de ser parte de las actividades después de la escuela, tales como deporte, drama y ciencias de computación. A los adolescentes les gusta pasar tiempo entre amigos e irse de paseo juntos.

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People of Czech Republic

Czech people value direct communication, friendliness and modesty. One of the things you’ll notice in the Czech Republic is that people say hello and goodbye to strangers in various situations, such as small shops, lifts or train compartments. A little insider’s tip: remember to take your shoes off when you go into a Czech home.

Host Family & Community

You will probably be hosted in the rural areas of Bohemia and Moravia, although AFS students have also lived in Prague and Brno. Czech families rarely have more than two children and will warmly welcome you. . They are usually close-knit, and it’s common for extended family members to live together, especially grandparents. In small towns, people live in apartment blocks but enjoy visiting their country cottages during the weekend.


You’ll most likely attend a local public high school called a gymnasium, which prepares students for University. You can expect to spend your school day with a “tree class”—a group of students who attend all their classes together. You don’t need to wear a uniform but it’s typical for students to change from shoes into slippers when entering school.


Czech people enjoy their cuisine, which is a mix of German, Hungarian, and Polish influences. Dumplings, meat, potatoes and rice are very popular. Most dishes are topped with a thick sauce and vegetables or sauerkraut. Caraway seeds, bacon, and lots of salt are common flavorings. While meat is a big part of the Czech diet, vegetarianism is also pretty widely accepted.

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The main language spoken in Czech Republic is Czech, many people are quite proficient in English and also speak Slovak, Polish, German or Russian. Having a basic knowledge of English will be an asset in the beginning and will help you learn the local language. AFS will organize language courses in the first few months or provide you with materials to learn the language on your own before going on your exchange.

Let AFS guide your intercultural adventure

Go abroad with AFS to discover who you really are, make new lifetime friendships and immerse yourself in a fascinating intercultural experience.

Our learning program will prepare you for an amazing AFS intercultural experience. The program begins at your home country with a pre-departure orientation and continues with orientations and other supported learning activities and facilitated conversations will help you maximize your experience, cope the challenges of navigating a new culture and community and gain knowledge, skills, and a global understanding, throughout your time abroad, and as you return to you home country. AFS volunteers will be there to support and guide you and your host family through your learning journey abroad.


The Global Competence Certificate (GCC) program will support your intercultural learning experience. This state-of-the-art program prepares you to successfully navigate new cultural environments—during your AFSNext experience and long after you finish the program. Online intercultural learning modules combined with in-person sessions help you develop practical and global skills, knowledge and attitudes that employers need and mission-driven organizations believe will help achieve their social impact goals. You will receive your certification upon completion of the training program. 

Busca los Programas Disponibles en República Checa
